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30 Search Results Found For: "85"

Peri-Implantitis Charleston, SC

Dental implants are popular and effective solutions for missing teeth that improve your oral health with a more permanent, natural-looking tooth replacement that’s more comfortable than traditional dentures. However, if you’re feeling any kind of

Gum Recession Treatment

Over time, many of our patients notice that their gum lines have receded. There can be a number of causes for this, but the effect is always the same: gum recession exposes more of the

Bone Regeneration

If you are experiencing periodontal disease, and your periodontist notices a loss of bone, you may be a good candidate for a bone regeneration procedure. With moderate to severe periodontal disease, you can lose bone

Osseous Surgery

Periodontitis can cause defects in the bone around your teeth. Osseous surgery reshapes the bone around the teeth to get rid of these defects. It is normally used to treat bone loss around multiple teeth.

Crown Lengthening

Crown Lengthening is a surgical procedure utilized to expose a greater amount of tooth structure in order to restore the tooth prosthetically or to change the appearance of your smile esthetically. Some people have a

CBCT Imaging

CBCT Imaging Periodontal Associates is now using the latest in dental imaging technology, a Cone Beam 3D dental imaging system. Cone Beam technology is quickly advancing the dental industry’s leading approach to treatment planning and


Our goal is to provide a website that is accessible to everyone. We continually review and modify our site to improve its accessibility for people with disabilities and those who use assistive technology. Currently, there

Can I Get Dental Implants if I Have Dentures?

Dentures, while a longstanding solution for tooth loss, may pose challenges such as discomfort, speech difficulties, and a less-than-natural appearance. If you're seeking alternatives and considering dental implants, it's important to understand how these two

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