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Learn More About the All-on-4 Procedure for Dental Implants Learn More About the All-on-4 Procedure

Peri-Implantitis Charleston, SC

Dental implants are popular and effective solutions for missing teeth that improve your oral health with a more permanent, natural-looking tooth replacement that’s more comfortable than traditional dentures. However, if you’re feeling any kind of

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease is seldom discussed, yet is incredibly common. It can have a significant effect on your overall oral health. Patients who suffer from gum disease may feel less confident in the appearance of their

Dental Implants Charleston, SC

When our baby teeth fall out, and adult teeth take their place, we often refer to them as “permanent.” Unfortunately, for some of our patients, the permanent teeth are anything but. Millions of Americans cope

All-on-4 Dental Implants

Nobody wants to go through life with missing teeth. Thankfully, dental implants provide a secure, comfortable, and long-lasting way to fill any gaps in your smile, offering functional as well as esthetic restoration. Furthermore, some

Bone Grafting

Many of our patients come to us because they have either lost teeth or are dealing with chronic gum disease. Both of these conditions can point to an even deeper problem, which is the loss

Sedation Dentistry

At Periodontal Associates, we understand that a trip to the dentist is not everyone’s idea of a fun time. In fact, some of our patients may be a little apprehensive about feeling discomfort during their

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